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Kettlebell training addresses both acceleration and deceleration, therefore enhancing athletic performance.Proper Eccentric Loading and Concentric ExplosionKettlebell training offers a different type of loading that allows the athlete to load the large postural muscles, i.e. MB Throws (chest) 2-3 / 5-10 2-4 kg MB8. KB Swings x .15 seconds on .15 seconds off for 3 minutesWEDNESDAY (Function - stability and power) 1. The benefits can be increases in:Dynamic Hip, Low Back and Abdominal Strength Kettlebell movements teach the body to stabilize the core, as almost all movements are done in a closed chain (standing) sequenceMulti-planar Strength Kettlebell training develops strength in all planes of movement. KB Renegade Row 2-4 / 8-12 5. Strength Training is a piece of the puzzle that is athletic development, albeit an important one. At ASWC, we use the Kettlebell to correct common dysfunctions we see in our sedentary and pain ridden society. Weighted Skip rope circuit x 20 jumpsx3sets2. Alt kB High Rows 2-4 / 8-12 6. Alternating KB Bottoms Up Curl 2-4 / 8-12 7. Tn Requin Reclined Jungle Gym Rows 2-3 / 8-12 5. hamstrings, gluteals, with force and then quickly re-direct that force.Injury Prevention Kettlebell training offers complete development in all planes of movement, therefore preventing more injuries.Cardio/Power EnduranceKettlebell training, especially ballistic exercises, will enhance cardiovascular training. Bottoms Up Curl 2-4 / 8-12 7. Weighted Skip rope circuit 1-4 weights x 20 jumps 1-4 lbs2. KB Floor Press 2-4 / 8-12 4. Kettlebell Matrix 6 reps each non stop Clean/Press/Swing/Squatx24. 1A KB Row 2-4 / 8-12 Stabilize with free arm5. But beyond the confines of traditional strength and conditioning program there is a highly effective tool gaining in popularity and tearing down walls of conformity: The Kettlebell. KB Front Squat 2-4 / 8-12 3. This calls for tremendous work for smaller stabilizer muscles in the body. Standing OH Kettlebell Press 2-4 / 8-12 6. Kettlebells for Athletic DevelopmentBy Colin Cooley, American Kettlebell Club-Coach, CrossFit-Level 1 KB InstructorMany Articles have been written about "Sport Specific Training". KB Deadlift 2-4 / 8-12 3. KB Snatches x.15 requin tn on .15 off for 3 minutesFRIDAY (Hypertrophy) 1. Power Wheel Pikes 2/10-158. This aspect will also help to develop better-conditioned athletes. Warm up KB Halos, Steering Wheel Press, Rotational Squatsx2x102. Power Wheel Curls 2 /10-159. Split Kettlebell Press2-4 / 8-12 4. Let's look at some facts about the Kettlebells: Kettlebells combine many training protocols and planes of motion simultaneously making them ideal for training athletes of any sport. We live and play in a three-dimensional world, and we should train accordingly.Flexibility/Mobility Kettlebell training promotes the body to 'open' up due the nature of multi-planer movement, and promotes increased range-of-motion in the joints.Balance and stability Kettlebell training is off-centered. This is critical in developing kinesthetic or body awareness.Acceleration/Deceleration Most training protocols address acceleration but not deceleration, which is why most athletes get injured in a 'deceleration' mode. Sports such as Swimming, Rowing and Mixed Martial Arts require tremendous amounts of Power Endurance4 Week Program:1-4 weeks - General HypertrophyDAY 1, 1 MINUTE REST BETWEEN SETS, 2 MINUTES BETWEEN EXERCISESMONDAY (Hypertrophy) sets/reps1. Nothing done outside of practicing and playing ones sports will enhance an athlete's ability to compete at a high level. I loathe that phrase. KB Swings x .15 seconds on .15 seconds off for 3 minutesCooley Fitness ConceptsCooley Fitness Concepts at the Advanced Spine & Wellness Center 302 King Farm Blvd #120 Rockville, MD 20850Website: Advanced Spine & Wellness Center Website: Cooley Fitness ConceptsI am Colin Cooley, owner of Cooley Fitness Concepts, LLC and operate out of a studio call Advanced Spine and Wellness Center in Rockville, MD.In addition to being a trainer, I am a Chiropractic Assistant. KB Push-Ups 2-3 / 8-12 6. Jungle Gym Leg Curls 2-3 / 15-20 Progress to one leg7. Squat Jumps 2-3 / 5 Progress to weighted vest3. Because the Kettlebell lines up with the bodies center of gravity, the athlete must work harder to balance and stabilize the weight.Coordination Kettlebell training teaches 'connection' of your bodies upper and lower segments. In addition, I am a conditioning coach with a company call Performance Lacrosse.. tn requin cartoon,Nike Shox R4 Cartoon,Basket Requins cartoon Soldestn requin cartoon,Nike Shox R4 Cartoon,Basket Requins cartoon Soldes